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2 lists of bookies: All and Required

The BetWasp scanner is compatible with many different bookies, but not all of them are really needed for the majority of users. Therefore, from the list of the supported bookmakers, you can select only those bookies you need directly in the filter settings.

Each checkbox has 3 states:

  1. unchecked;
  2. check mark;
  3. fully colored square.

If the bookmaker is unchecked, then it will not be shown in positive ev search results.

All bookies

The checkmark next to the name of the bookmaker means that "All bookmakers" selection is set. Under such settings, the valuebets are to be scanned with the participation of specified bookies.

The fully colored square means the "Required bookmakers" setting is set. It defines the bookies required for scanning of each valuebet.

Required bookies

What do the required bookies mean?

There are cases when a large amount of money is going "stale" in one of the bookmakers and it needs to be distributed first. Consequently, the "Required Bookmakers” parameter will come in handy, as it enables only the selected bookmaker(s) to appear in each positive ev bet result.

Important note: check off the required bookies in the bookmakers/exchanges settings so that they appear in your Filters.